Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Second day at JAOO started out with a keynote presentation og Googles brand new V8 engine used insise the Google Chrome. The presentation was presented by Lars Bak, and boy could he get into the details :) from JavaSript to Assembler. A really facinating presentation shoving how they are dynamically creating classes based on the javascript code, pay the penalty first time a "function" is created by creating an "initializer" class and for properties and values on the class they somehow creates other classes......hmmmm maybe i'm not as goog as Lars Bak to present the subject, the answer is, go check out a presentation of V8 if you have the oppertunity.

The rest of my day went listining to the following tracks:

[ How Cool do users feel when interacting with your software ]
Basically this track had the message "Think out of the box". Maianne presented a lot of non software examples of how people interacts with different hardware, for instance a coke softdrink machine, imagine a person making the exact same actions as this machine with the goal of deliver a coke to you. First you hand over some money, second you push/tells what kind of drink to get, next the person makes some noise and bends down, before he shakes your coke and servers it to you ;0).

As with most of the other examples a baic diciplin was to get rid of devices such as a mouse and a keyboard. One of the really cool, yet not ready for market, was a wall in the bathroom you could press your body against. The front of your refregerator would the eflect the presure, I most admit the woman on the picture did a great job.

[ The power of Retrospectives ]
So far this has been one of the best tracks, Linda Rising just have a gift of a story teller inside. How she came from a simple story about Winnie the pooh and into software projects. She made is so clear why we should make retrospectives. Somehow retrospectives have not been a defacto in the software industry, but with Linda in the market I think it'll be, if not now, then in a short time.

[ Architecture of RIA ]
Rich Internet Applications was the track I followed all afternoon, starting out with the architecture of RIA, and a lot of samples. It seemed like a good track together with the user expirence track earlier today. Technically the track explained where we are today with typically desktop applications and web applications, and where the road of RIA leads to.

Oh boy Oh boy this lid a fire of ideas inside my brain. The products demostrated was Microsoft Silverlight and Flex/Air from Adobe. I think most of this track was a good teaser for the next two tracks, each covering each of the technologies alone.

[ Adobe Flex/Air]
Let me just say this was the technically most cool presentation I have seen so far at JAOO. I think this is what a neard like me would call beautiful :) How simple it was to create an enduser application showing all sorts of pictures from flicker, just by adding some simple components. It seems like Adobe have a product I have to investigate some more, and after all you can still use .NET at the backend.

[ Silverlight ] [When PNG became XBAP, NOT! read on....]
Stop hold, you get the red card. What just happen here? The Microsoft guy which I thought would battle the Adobe Flex with Silverlight totally missed what ever he should be presenting. He started out telling bla bla bla, took too many questions, and maybe it was time to start now? wow finally a demo, yet came another, another, another, hmmm where's the code? yet another ehhhh what going on here? 10 minutes left okay, can just show some more demoes.

So he went on presenting demoes with out getting technically like the Adobe guy, very boring and not selling the product at all.

The biggest mistake was proberly when he thought he was showing an xbap application, but when have xbap becomed png. Very embarassing to see a MS guy presenting this, I hope he just had a bad day, and as he started out earlier in the architure track, you should not be religious about your choice of technology, so lets pick up flex/air and for now drop silverligt into the cloud of donts :).

Well this was all the tracks of the day, a great day. Finalized with some Wii Tenis and a great dinner at Svineriet in Ã…rhus. Now I just have to sort out how to decide

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