Saturday, November 14, 2009

Umbraco finally up and running – The Way I did it……

It’s getting late here in DK and it is almost 4 days since I wrote about my next technology journy, Umbraco CMS. And I finally managed to get it running on my local machine.

I started out getting the new webplatform installer for Umbraco, It just had to be the most simple way to get started for a developer new to umbraco. I’m running XP SP3 on my developer machine, and with this in mind some of the installation trouble I had might be caused of exactly that.

The webplatform installer did install on in IIS and created a db, but I never managed to get the IIS (5.1) on my machine running Umbraco, I tried a lot of different solutions, Uncle Google told me to, but no luck. Then finally I looked at Umbraco installation simplified. Wow this is just what I was looking for. This explains how to use the Cassine webserver for running and developing with Umbraco. I Followed the installation and almost got it up and running. One of the steps in the installation guide explains how to set up AJAX 1.0, but as I’m running .NET 3.5 I skipped this part…my bad. Ofcourse I got in trouble when I stated the Umbraco web install. I could'n’t find the correct version of System.Web.Extension. Quick question for Uncle Google pointed me to Umbraco-Codeplex where there are an updated web.config file for .NET 3.5 gotcha. Finally the installation could start and now I have just created my first sample site with Umbraco, sure hope things gets a little bit easier in the future, but as some of the sites about Umbraco says, the downside really is the documentation, you got my vote for that.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

When I need to setup a new site running umbraco on my developer machine, I..

- download the latest build of umbraco from CodePlex
- unzip it to a directory
- create a new database on an SQL server
- edit the connection string in web.config
- create a new IIS website setting home directory to the folder where I unzipped umbraco
- sets permissions on the folder to the IIS account
- open http://localhost starting the umbraco installation wizard

Up and running in less than 5 minutes :)

Kind regards
Dennis Milandt